I love weddings and I love meeting new friends at weddings. One of our past Captivating Women, Natalie Mukhtar now Natalie Rowan, got married and I met Jane at the festive event. I remember somewhat meeting Jane through Natalie casually on campus, but not really knowing her (if that makes sense?) I regret not making it a point of getting to know Jane more when I lived in San Jose – but here we are, finally friends and I’m thankful for that. I’m excited that you get to be introduced to Jane and her world of apologetics on a public university – San Jose State, my alma mater.

Question: Where do you live & how old are you?
Answer: I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and I am 32 years old.
Q: Tell us about what you do?
A: I am a Chapter Director with Ratio Christi, a campus apologetics alliance. Ratio Christi is Latin for, “The Reason of Christ.” We are a global movement that equips university students and faculty to give historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for following Jesus Christ. I am currently working with students and professors at San Jose State University; in the past I was at UC Irvine. We are a Christian organization that provides an environment for Christians, atheists, agnostics, skeptics, and people of other religion/worldviews to ask questions and investigate the claims of Christianity; we also discuss religion and worldviews, and seek the truth.
I am also part of the Ratio Christi International team as a speaker and teacher on the Philippines team. We have been doing annual apologetics conference and academy since 2014. The conference equips a range of people from the layman, Bible College students, pastors, students and more.
I also help do training for our Ratio Christi College Prep program, which is our ministry to youth groups. We train people to get clubs started in youth groups, public or private schools and even homeschooling co-ops.
I am also the Social Media Coordinator. I help new Chapter Directors get started with their Facebook and Twitter accounts for their chapters.
One last thing, I raise support to do my work with Ratio Christi, if you are compelled to support this vital work that the Lord has given to me you can join my support team!
Check out this video about Ratio Christi at San Jose State University:
Q: Describe apologetics.
A: Apologetics comes from the Greek world apologia, which means to give a defense. Christian apologetics is the art and science of defending Christian truth claims and is linked to theology, philosophy and evangelism. I had a professor say that, “apologetics is well explained theology.” We cannot defend the faith if we don’t know what we believe and why we believe it. Apologetics is linked to philosophy because truth claims are investigated through rational analysis. As apologists we use philosophical argumentation for the Christian worldview, so that people can consider them rationally. Apologetics can be used in evangelism to rid intellectual barriers one might have to receive the gospel, apologetics can serve as pre-evangelism. Douglas Groothius says in his book, Christian Apologetics, “Christlike apologetics labors to communicate the truth in love and with wisdom (Ephesians 4:15). In truly Christian persuasion, one simply seeks to make known the Christian message so that others may hear it, believe it and live it out. The results are left to God’s sovereignty and the judgment of those who hear.” The Christian apologist’s life verse would probably be 1 Peter 3:15, “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”
Q: What made you get into the ministry that you’re currently serving in?
A: Apologetics was very instrumental in my faith. I became a Christian in college and was getting a degree in Biology. Often times in academics people of faith are usually seen as unintelligent. One of my pastors introduced me to apologetics, in particular Ravi Zacharias. Ravi showed me that the Christian faith is an intellectual and reasonable faith.
After college I wanted to share my faith with others; studying apologetics helped me to do that. Also, there were a few different things going on in my life. I suddenly lost my job at the optometrist office I was working at and shortly after that, the optometry schools I applied to rejected me. I thought to myself, “What is going on here, what am I going to do?” I surrendered it all to God and told him to do what He wanted to do in my life. In the summer of 2009, I was at the Summer Institute at Wheaton College with Ravi Zacharias International Ministry and it was there God was showing me what direction He was taking my life. I sat in the auditorium listening to speakers speak all week and one of the speaker said, “We need the next generation of Apologists, and all God wants is for you to be available.” At that moment the Holy Spirit was speaking into my heart. At the end of week, I had the opportunity to speak with Ravi Zacharias and he pretty much recommended that I go to Biola to pursue a degree in Apologetics. When I got home from the Summer Institute, I applied to the Master’s in Christian Apologetics program at BIOLA University and few weeks later I was in my first semester at BIOLA! In May 2011, I received my M.A. in Christian Apologetics with High Honors. Now, God has given me the opportunity to work with Ratio Christi.
I always thought I was going to be an optometrist; it was my dream at a young age. However, God had something else planned, rather than Him using me to help people see the physical world, he called me to help people see Christ and what he has to offer. It has been quite the adventure!
Q: What kind of struggles are you dealing with on a college campus?
A: Our group has been de-recognized by the University because we want our leaders to be Christians. It has been a challenge in growing our group and being able to do events and outreach on campus. Even with the challenges we can see God doing work through us.
Q: How do you stay focused with the mission that you’re on?
A: I just remember that I was once a lost college student. God has given me an opportunity to reach people who were like me.
Q: Give us a day in the life of Jane.
A: This is a bit difficult to describe, because my days can be very different day-to-day. I usually start my day with coffee made by my Moka and frothed coconut or almond milk and some breakfast. I try to read Scripture, pray and journal before the day gets busy. I also, try to get my workout done earlier in the day. Some days I can be on campus all day meeting with students. Some days can be administrative and organizational, other days are for research and preparation for seminars, talks, or training, traveling to places for training and speaking engagements, on other days setting up fundraising appointments and meeting with donors. My schedule can get a little crazy, but I find joy in it.
Q: What three words describe you?
A: Committed, passionate, and thinker.
Q: What is the favorite thing about what you do?
A: Traveling the world to help people come to know Christ, and helping Christians become bold witnesses for Christ.
Q: Favorite verse?
A: Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”
Q: Favorite story in the Bible?
A: I don’t really have a favorite story, but I have a favorite book and that is Philippians.
Q: Favorite apologists?
A: Ravi Zacharias, J. Warner Wallace, John Lennox, Nancy Pearcey, C.S. Lewis and JP Moreland.
Q: What makes a Captivating Woman?
A: A woman who seeks to glorify God with all her being, heart, mind, soul and strength.
Q: Who are some Captivating Women in your life that we need to know about?
A: Nancy Pearcy, Elisabeth Elliot, Rosaria Butterfield, and Lynn Wilder.
If you would like to join my support team go to: www.janepantig.ratiochristi.org/